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My plans

Hello, dear friends! I'm working now on a new doll. The theme of the “movie characters” does not let me go and I'm inspired by another of my favorite movie, went to work.

As always, I didn’t make exact portrait similarity, for me only the image was important, so I just watched the movie and sculpt.

I like how the face turned out and I already in love with this doll. Size of new girl will be 45cm., the same as the dolls from the collection "celestial light", but with a few changes in sculpture. And also I wonder, would you guess who is this movie character?

After I will finish this girl, I will start to work on a small collection of dolls. I am planning a new size of dolls, a bit bigger than my previous little girls. So I hope everyone will like a new size and shape.

That is all news for today:)


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