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Lolita, project "movie characters"

Lolita, project "movie characters"

Lolita, project "movie characters"

Lolita, project "movie characters"

Lolita, project "movie characters"

Lolita, project "movie characters"

hawk, project "the birds"

hawk, project "the birds"

peacock, project "the birds"

peacock, project "the birds"

peacock, project "the birds"

peacock, project "the birds"

peacock, project "the birds"

peacock, project "the birds"

Romeo, project "movie characters"

Romeo, project "movie characters"

Romeo, project "movie characters"

Romeo, project "movie characters"

the doll with mold face of Maiumy

the doll with mold face of Maiumy

the doll with mold face of Nita

the doll with mold face of Nita

the doll with mold face of Isi

the doll with mold face of Isi











project "the birds"

project "the birds"

silver raven crown, with black diopsides

project "the birds"

project "the birds"

bronze hawk crown, with solar stone

project "the birds"

project "the birds"

bronze peacock crown, with black and white opals

project "the birds"

project "the birds"

silver hummingbird crown, with sapphires and emeralds

project "the birds"

project "the birds"

silver swan crown, with natural pearls

project "movie characters"

project "movie characters"

laced hats made of bronze

engraved tattoo

engraved tattoo

"the birds" project. The Swan

"the birds" project. The Swan

"the birds" project. The Swan

"the birds" project. The Swan

"the birds" project. The Swan

"the birds" project. The Swan

"the birds" project. The Peacock

"the birds" project. The Peacock

"the birds" project. The Peacock

"the birds" project. The Peacock

movie character project. Juliet

movie character project. Juliet

movie character project. Juliet

movie character project. Juliet

special order doll

special order doll

special order doll

special order doll

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